Detailed History

Detailed History

In 1963, under the leadership of Pastor Hubert Christian, the First Baptist Church of Burnet was encouraged to sponsor a Mission in the area.

At a regular meeting in May of 1963, the Deacons of the First Baptist Church, Burnet recommended that the Church sponsor a Mission at Silver Creek Village.  The First Church adopted their recommendation.

The first prayer meeting was held at Bob Derieck’s house on June 26, 1963.

At a Business Meeting in December, 1963, the Church voted to take under consideration, the plan of the Church Mission Building Department with regard to the building at Silver Creek.  Further details were to be left to the Building Department.

Brother Taylor Pendley, of the Building Department spoke at the Church on January 15, 1964.

On March 5, 1964, land was donated for a Church by Jonestown Improvement Corporation, under the title of Jones-Owen Corporation. (See Attached Platt)

To be self supporting, the Church Trustees applied for a loan for the Silver Creek Baptist Chapel in March, 1964.

Brother Dell Hartwell was elected Pastor of the Silver Creek Baptist Mission, authorized to carry out all pastoral duties.

The Silver Creek Chapel was constructed by brothers Ed and Dell Hartwell between March 1964 and June 1964.

On Sunday, June 14, 1964 the Silver Creek Chapel was dedicated.  Max Copeland, moderator of the Burnet-Llano Baptist Association, gave the dedication prayer: Reverend Hubert Christian of Burnet, conducted the services and Taylor Pendley, secretary of the church building department of the Baptist General Convention of Texas, gave the dedication address.  The Chappel was the 61st mission built by Ed Hartwell, pastor-builder of Dallas.

The first baptism occurred in June of 1964.

In 1964, James Dickens was elected Treasurer of the Silver Creek Baptist Mission.

On June 24, 1964, Silver Creek Baptist Mission, with the approval of the First Church, called Reverend Theron Stephens of Spicewood, Texas as Pastor.

Reverend Theron Stephens was called to preach at Sunrise Beach Baptist Church on May 1, 1966.

Reverend R. V. Rhoads became Pastor of Silver Creek Baptist Mission on May 1, 1966.

The Deacons as of October 11, 1966 were Mr. James Dickens, Mr. Robert Darieck, Mr. Claude King, Mr. O. M. Stephens and Mr. Milam Prince.

The Church rented a house in Shady Grove area of Burnet for Dr. Ruben P. Ward to use as the parsonage during the time he was pastor from March 1974 thru January 1981.

The Fellowship Hall was constructed and paid for during the period from March 1974 to January 1981.  Also the debt on the original church was paid off.

In April 1974 the Church purchased a parsonage at 709 Lakewood Drive in South Silver Creek Village, Unit 1 with substantial financial help from Gavin Garrett. 

A building fund was started for a new sanctuary during the time Clayton Pennington was pastor from August 1981 to July 1985 and the fund had grown to around $90,000 by the time construction began. 

In April 1987 construction was started of the new sanctuary and annex building.

The new sanctuary and annex building were completed in 1987.  The building committee consisted of Wanda Adams, Arlene Baker, Robert R. Batson, Robert Legg, Iva Ryan and Chairman, J. C. Campbell.  Dr. Fermon Weedon was the pastor and R. V. Rhoads was the builder.

The Church borrowed $50,000 on August 20, 1987 to put the finishing touches on the new sanctuary.   Two Baldwin instruments were obtained.  A baby grand piano was donated in memory of W. D. Moses and an organ was aquired through donations.

On September 20, 1987 the new sanctuary and annex building was dedicated.

On September 7, 1988 the parking lot was graveled.

On December 6, 1989 the debt on the new santuary was paid off.

On September 1, 1990 a new parsonage was purchased at 605 CR 128 and Pastor Charles Justis, Jr. was the first occupant.  Later a bedroom, bath and detached garage were added.

In March of 1994 work was started on the Constitution and By-Laws. 

On July 7, 1994 the first By-Laws were adopted.

On July 25, 1996 new sound equipment was purchased to enhance the sound quality in the sanctuary and a sound booth was built.  The work was completed on September 25, 1996 and a training session was held.

On March 18, 1998 the First Baptist Church of Silver Creek celebrated its 25th Anniversary.

In 1999 a clock with outdoor chimes was donated in honor of Bert Ham and Lucille Smith by friends and family.

On May 8, 2002 a decision was made to purchase fifteen new round white tables for the Fellowship Hall.

February 12, 2003 the Church was making building plans to expand the Fellowship Hall by extending back into the area behind the existing hall.

On May 14, 2003 discussed putting $25,000 into a special account for the expansion of the Fellowship Hall.

On June 11, 2003, upon the recommendation of LaVerne Bailey, the Church voted to repeal the by-laws.

A quarterly church newsletter called the “Buchanan Beacon” was created on August 13, 2003 and the initial mailings began.

While Paul Dickson was pastor in the later part of 2004 and early 2005, the choir was discontinued and an overhead projector was used to show the words of hymns on a portable screen.  After a while a laptop computer with PowerPoint was used to enhance the audio-visual aspects of the worship service.

In September 2005 a digital projector and a remote control screen were permanently installed in the sanctuary. 

The Ordination Service for Richard Allen Weston was held on October 30, 2005.

The Church Website was created by Nelson Brock on May 10, 2006.

On May 17, 2006 it was decided to try to sell the Parsonage at 605 C.R. 128 for $189,000.

The church organ was serviced on September 13, 2006 and was in good working order.

The Minister of Music from Marble Falls checked out the sound system and made recommendations for improvement on September 13, 2006.

On May 25, 2007 a Sears Craftsman Yard Tractor was donated for mowing the church lawn.

On September 12, 2007 the church name was changed from First Baptist Church of Silver Creek to “East Lake Fellowship”.

In February of 2008 the audio and visual booths were combined into one larger booth to improve the usability and improve communications between the operators.

On September 3, 2008 Pastor Richard Weston resigned as Pastor of East Lake Fellowship with plans to leave by the end of the month.

On September 11, 2008 the membership voted not to sell the parsonage and remove it from the market.

Dr. James McGothlin accepted the invitation to become interim pastor on November 23, 2008.

A Pastor Search Committee was elected by the congregation on Sunday, April 26th, 2009.  The five members of the PSC were: John Osborne, Chairman, Mary Tilley, Vice-Chairman, Nelson Brock, Malinda Galley and Jim Smitherman.

The Pastor Search Committee extended an invitation to Pastor Mickey Wells to visit on August 20, 2009 in view of a call as Pastor.  In a business meeting following the church service, the congregation voted to extend a call to Pastor Mickey Wells and he accepted.

Pastor Mickey and his wife Pat chose to live in the church parsonage.

The whirlpool tub in parsonage master bath was replaced with a walk-in shower during the Fall of 2009.

A new computer was purchased from On-Site Computers for the audio/visual booth on August 16, 2010.

A new computer was purchased from On-Site Computers and a new LCD Monitor was purchased from Walmart for the office on September 28, 2011.

A new Samsung Printer/Copier was purchased for the office in November, 2011.

A new Roland FP-7F Keyboard was purchased from Strait Music in November, 2011.

Gutters were installed on the parsonage in 2012.

The church hired Duste Patterson as Youth Minister April 1, 2012

Duste Patterson resigned as Youth Minister as of July 1, 2012

Renovation of the Fellowship Hall by a committee consisting of Jim & Pat Smitherman and Lance & Cindy Reissig began October 1, 2012:

            - Covered two windows at end of hall and added lighting diffusers

            - Painted all walls in the Fellowship Hall and Kitchen

            - New Vizio 55” LED 3D TV and Sony BlueRay Player

            - New Toshiba Laptop Computer

            - New entertainment equipment cabinets

            - New wall decorations (pictures, scriptures & ornamental metal windows)

            - New Frigidaire commercial refrigerator and freezer

            - New Dishwasher

            - New ceiling fans (5x)

Relocated secretary’s office into Library area on September 19, 2013

On December 21, Mickey Wells resigned as Pastor, effective December 28, 2014.  He and Pat would be moving back to Wyoming and would vacate the parsonage by mid-January 2015.

John Osborne requested that he be allowed to submit his resume for the position of Pastor, while he would serve as the interim in the meantime. A Called Business session was announced for February 1, 2015 for the purpose of extending a call for John to become pastor.

At that business meeting, the vote was unanimous to extend the call.  The call was accepted that day.

Parking lots were re-surfaced May 2016

Repaired Water damage to Children’s Sunday School area due to toilet water line break in children’s bathroom doing $12,000 worth of damage. October 2016.

John Osborne became ill the 1st week of January. On January 8, 2017 Joseph F. Howard was asked to fill in for John during his illness.

Brother Joseph F. Howard accepted the invitation to become interim pastor after John Osborne was diagnosed with Terminal Cancer.

John Osborne, after a short battle with Cancer, died February 8, 2017.

A Pastor Search Committee was elected by the congregation on Sunday, April 9th, 2017.  The seven members of the PSC were: Eric Woodrum, Chairman, Woody Woodrum, Vice-Chairman, Paul Pierce, Nelson Brock, Cindy Proctor, Lynne Dison and Linda Wilson as an Alternate Member.

A new single 5-ton Air Conditioner/Heating Unit was installed and placed the Utility room in the Fellowship Hall to replace the 2 units that were in the attic.

Brother Joseph F. Howard resigned effective March 28, 2017 (Moved to Denton, TX).

June 4, 2017. Brother Ed Walker accepted the invitation to become interim pastor after Brother Howard resigned. Brother Walker’s last Sunday as Interim was August 27, 2017. 

June 14, 2017 Revised and reinstated the By-Laws for the Church

August 13, 2017 The Pastor Search Committee extended an invitation to Reverend Steve G. Faulkner to preach in view of a call as Pastor. He was joined by his wife Sophia.

In a business meeting following the church service, the congregation voted to extend a call to Pastor Steve G. Faulkner and he accepted. Pastor Steve G. Faulkner and his wife Sophia chose to live in the church parsonage.

August 22, 2017 A new 15 Seer Air Conditioner/Heating Unit was installed at Parsonage and the Building & Maintenance Committee completely refurbished the parsonage, inside and out, getting it ready for Pastor Steve and Sophia Faulkner to move in.

September 3, 2017 Pastor Steve Faulkner began his ministry at East Lake Fellowship Church.

 October 1, 2019 Dennis Lofton was called as Interim Worship Leader. Resigned March 13, 2020 and moved to Alabama.

March 15, 2020 Kristen Ivy was called as Interim Worship Leader. Resigned August 30, 2020 and moved to Shiner TX.

April 28, 2020 New Roof completed on Church.

August 9, 2020 Pastor Steve Faulkner announced his resignation as Pastor, effective August 30, 2020 and moved to Shiner TX..   

September 13, 2020, Brother Roger Bailey accepted the invitation to become Worship Leader. Roger Bailey resigned February 20, 2021

September 13, 2020. Brother Doug Downs accepted the invitation to become interim pastor.

July 25, 2021, The Pastor Search Committee extended an invitation to Pastor Russell Steel and was called as Pastor. He and his wife Karla will live in Parsonage.

August 01, 2021, Pastor Russell Steel began his ministry at East Lake Fellowship Church.






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